I have laid aside my library project. I'm finding it far too frustrating right now. I have also laid aside my father's painting because I am also finding it incredibly frustrating right now.
I have started a series of works that will be based on Baha'i sacred texts. These specifically will be focused on the writings of Abdu'l-Baha. I am going to create a series of geometric abstract paintings to serve as backgrounds for some quotes from Abdu'l-Baha's writings. I'm unsure as of yet whether or not I will be putting many quotes involving a single theme on one canvas or if I will put a single quote onto a canvas and do a bunch of one theme. I also haven't decided if I'm going to use canvas paper or if I'm going to use canvas boards. I'm also experimenting with tracing paper overlays. The tracing paper will lay over the painting.
If I do many quotes on a single canvas I'm not sure if they will all be on a single overlay or if I will separate them. Also I have yet to decide how I am going to fix the overlays onto the canvas. I may try to experiment with some sort of decoupage method but that may also depend on whether or not the way I print the quotes onto the tracing paper will hold up to something like that or not. Right now I've tried three methods. The first was using an old fashioned typewriter that my uncle had refurbished and repaired and given to me as a gift. I doubt the ink from the typewriter will hold up to some sort of decoupage method but it may if I'm careful about it or if I use some sort of fixative over the text. The other method which I'm fairly positive will hold up to decoupage is a sharpie marker. I hand wrote the quote onto the tracing paper with a sharpie. I only had a broad tip I may try again with a fine tip. I also bought some calligraphy pens from the art supply store today. Even using the finest tip I will have to write incredibly big for it to look right. I doubt I'll use it. I have completely omitted the idea of printing the quotes onto paper. I want the look to be very hand done.
Right now I'm waiting for the canvas boards to dry. It will probably take a few days.
I've been watching a lot of art shows on TV. They feature prominent modern artists. A lot of them seem to have a common thread in their work. They find things in life and the world that they find beautiful and that speak to them personally and then find ways to express that in their work in unique and different ways. I think I need to do that to give cohesion to my artwork and my vision for my artwork. I think figuring that out will help my creative process.
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